Interactivity at your fingertips

The power of Touch Screen Systems.

By: Mauricio Ávila

In the age of digitalization, Self-Service Kiosks have revolutionized the way we interact with different services. More than just machines, they are portals to a more efficient, personalized and inclusive user experience, thanks to the incorporation of tactile systems and adaptations for people with disabilities.

Interactividad al alcance de tus dedos
Interactividad al alcance de tus dedos

At Electronika, we believe in the transformative potential of these systems and have therefore dedicated ourselves to refining and adapting our kiosk solutions to meet the emerging needs of our users.

Touch systems play a key role in this revolution. They provide a user-friendly interface that allows users to interact directly with applications, significantly reducing waiting times and improving overall efficiency.

But what about people with visual impairments? Our commitment to accessibility has led us to integrate Braille systems into our kiosks. In addition, we incorporate artificial intelligence to enhance the experience for all users, regardless of their abilities.

In addition to tactile and Braille functionalities, our kiosks are also equipped with various printers and devices, such as fingerprint and ID readers, to increase efficiency and further reduce interaction times. These integrations enhance transaction security and provide users with faster and easier access to services.

Touchscreen - ENEL Codensa

In short, Electronika's Self-Service Kiosks are not just machines, but true digital partners that strive to deliver an exceptional experience to every user. We continue to explore new technologies and adaptations to ensure that our kiosks are always at the forefront of innovation, accessibility and efficiency.


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